Message from the Director:
Welcome to the Quantitative Membrane Biophysics Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We represent a group of highly interactive scientists, from a variety of departments across our campus, that share a common interest in studying biological problems related to membrane structure, excitability, and trafficking, using quantitative biophysical approaches. We emphasize the development and implementation of new tools and technologies, and we collaborate with one-another to conduct lines of investigation that would not be otherwise possible. Working together, we are building infrastructure, including a new Talos F200C electron microscope, obtained via an HHMI Transformative Technology 2019 initiative, to further our studies of membrane biophysics. A new emphasis will be on the development of joint, synergistic grants. Finally, we will soon be organizing a seminar series, and our website will include a ‘news’ section to track the progress of the group in terms of funding and publications, so please stayed tuned.
Ed Chapman
To contact the program, please e-mail Dr. Chapman at:, or write to:
Edwin R. Chapman, Ph.D.
HHMI Investigator & Ricardo Miledi Professor of Neuroscience
UW Medical Foundation Professor
Director, Quantitative Membrane Biophysics Program
Department of Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin
1111 Highland Ave. WIMR2 room 5505 (mail)
Madison, WI 53705-2275